The downtown Fayetteville Farmers Market reopens two weeks early in 2024, with the Spring Fling Markets 9 am to 1 pm on March 23 and 30 prior to the normal opening the first Saturday in April (April 6). In the meantime, our on-line ordering system is year-round, with pickups every Thursday afternoon 4:30-6 pm at the Fayetteville Public Library. Our greenhouse growers continue to have supplies of winter greens, and many crafts, meats, and eggs are available each week for ordering between 6 pm Sunday and 6 am Wednesday. It’s an easy system, and is a boon to both our growers and devoted customers. Check it out here. Also, check out the Winter Indoor Market January – March at the Fayetteville Senior Center, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 945 S. College Ave.